History of Sky's Offroad Design
The year is 1997...….We've been around a while!
Over the past few years my partner and I have realized a need for many small, unique products that we were building as single parts. We were questioned quite often as to where these products originated from. We came to the conclusion that hitting the industry with innovative products that no one else has developed allowed us to enter the market and continue to engineer cutting edge 4wheel drive products.
We built our first mass produced part in December 1997. The part was our Suzuki Samurai Wiper Brace Kit. The need for these arose in a snow storm in the Willamette mountains at our cabin when the wiper tore out of the wiper frame. We quickly determined that the snow and the poor design of the Samurai wiper system led to a crack forming in the thin sheet metal. This crack with the repeated pressure against it led to eventual complete failure of the wiper system.
From this point on we have constantly driven to produce parts that no one else has been able to build, and no one else saw the possibility of building. Sure, we have the parts that are your average "get anywhere" products, but we try to take anything that we produce to the next level, not just a part that the consumer can use, but also a part that they will be proud to have on their vehicle.
Every single one of our products goes through testing in one form or another in accordance to what may happen if the product fails. Once we have established this parameter, we can safely look at the other aspects of the part in question. We never release a part that we are not 100% positive to be safe. We don't release parts out of our shop mass-produced without actually bolting or welding the part on and testing it in the field. The test field is not just one area, such as rocks. We also hit the sand, trails, fire roads, snow, mud, rocks, and anything that you may ever encounter, as well as the street. We believe that if you cannot put a product on your vehicle and have it drive the same or better than before, then that product is not safe for us to sell.
All products that we build are CAD designed, CNC Laser Cut, CNC Broken, and CNC Machined, No cheap ironworker in the back with worn out stamps. All tubing work is done on a mandrel quality hydraulic bender to ensure that all our products not only function, but also look great! To get an idea, look at the radius on some products that you may buy. Many are not radii but a corner chunked off by a shear at some low buck metal shop, or possibly by an underpaid employee who has no idea what 4 wheel drive is. In closing, Sky Manufacturing hopes you will take the time to pick products that not only look good, but actually function and improve your vehicles on and off road performance.
Have a Great Day,
Sky - Owner of Sky Manufacturing & Sky's Offroad Design